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提起泉州高甲戏,人们总要想起《连升三级》,正是这部戏使高甲戏在20世纪60年代扬名全国。《连升三级》由剧作家王冬青创作于1958年,1961年晋京演出,轰动京华。《连升三级》讲述了这样一个故事:明朝崇祯年间,土财主子弟贾福古,冒充已故举人贾博古之名入京赴考,经历一系列的阴阳 Mention of Quanzhou high-A play, people always think of “even up three”, it is the drama of the high A drama famous in the 1960s nationwide. “Lian Sheng three” by the playwright Wang Dongqing creation in 1958, Jinxi performed in 1961, sensational Beijing Hua. “Even ascending three” tells such a story: Ming Dynasty Chongzhen years, soil rich boy Jia Furuka, posing as the late lord Jia Bo ancient name to go to Beijing to test, through a series of yin and yang