中共内蒙古自治区委员会 内蒙古自治区人民政府 关于进一步加强水利建设的决定

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根据自治区第六次党代会精神,为了使水利工作更好地为自治区国民经济和社会发展服务,特作如下决定.一、不断强化水利在国民经济中的基础设施和基础产业地位自治区成立以来,在各级党委和人民政府的领导下,经过各族干部群众的长期努力,全区各地兴建了一大批水利工程设施,初步形成了灌溉、防洪、排涝、供水、发电、水土保持等多功能的水利工程体系.这些工程设施在抗御干旱洪涝等自然灾害,促进工农牧业生产发展,满足城乡人民生活用水,改善水环境及整个生态环境上,发挥了巨大效益.我区40多年来的历史证明,没有水利的发展,就没有农业、牧业和林业的发展;搞好水利建设,对于发展工业乃至整个国民经济,对于改善人民生活和保持社会稳定,都具有不可替代的作用和极为重要的意义. According to the spirit of the sixth party congress of the autonomous region, in order to make the water conservancy work better serve the national economy and social development of the autonomous region, the following decisions are made. I. Continuously strengthen the infrastructure and basic industrial status of water conservancy in the national economy Since the establishment of the autonomous region Under the leadership of party committees and people’s governments at all levels and through the long-term efforts of cadres and people of all ethnic groups, a large number of water conservancy facilities have been built throughout the region, initially forming functions such as irrigation, flood control, drainage, water supply, power generation, and soil and water conservation. The water conservancy project system. These engineering facilities have played a huge benefit in fighting natural disasters such as droughts and floods, promoting the production and development of workers, agriculture, and animal husbandry, meeting the living needs of urban and rural residents, improving the water environment, and the entire ecological environment. The history of our district for more than 40 years It is proved that without the development of water conservancy, there will be no development in agriculture, animal husbandry, and forestry; doing a good job in water conservancy construction will have an irreplaceable role and an extremely important role in the development of the industry and the entire national economy, as well as improvement of people’s lives and social stability. significance.
在今年的抗洪抢险斗争中,人民解放军和武警部队发挥了突击队和中流砥柱的作用,作出了巨大的贡献,建立了卓越的功勋,赢得举国上下的高度赞誉,也受到国际社会的广泛好评。 在
鸡泽县电力局采用低压线损“三核对”的方法,使农村线极稳定,合理下降,全县线损率已达11%以下,为农民减轻负担54万余元。 一、算大账、查大户、找准损高点 乡站和农村每月底