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江泽民同志多次强调“领导干部一定要讲政治”。落实讲政治的要求,必须具有相应的政治素质。只有政治素质提高了,才能把握住政治方向,坚定政治立场,具有鲜明的政治观点,严格执行政治纪律,才能提高政治鉴别力和政治敏锐性。不具备一定的政治素质,讲政治就无从谈起。可见,领导干部政治素质的提高是十分重要的。本文试从以下三个方面加以论述: Comrade Jiang Zemin has repeatedly emphasized that “leading cadres must talk about politics.” To implement the political requirements, we must have the corresponding political qualities. Only by raising the political quality can we grasp the political orientation, strengthen the political stance, have distinctive political views and strictly enforce the political discipline in order to enhance political discrimination and political acumen. Do not have a certain political quality, politics can not talk about. Evidently, the improvement of the political quality of leading cadres is very important. This article tries to discuss from the following three aspects:
弧菌Ⅲ型系统效应蛋白对宿主细胞具有致病功能,研究效应蛋白的结构功能对研究其致病机理和制作疫苗有重要意义。根据Gen Bank上面溶藻弧菌的基因序列,设计hop Pma J、va1686