1982年以来,在毗邻澳门、香港的沿海地区,发现马尾松林遭受松突圆蚧为害。据1983年~1984年由广东省林业厅组织的全省性多次调查证实,该虫已发生于珠海、斗门、中山、深圳、宝安、惠东、惠阳、东莞、新会、博罗、海丰、台山和惠州等县(市),受害面积261万多亩。其中52.2万亩已连片枯死或濒于死亡。目前灾情还在继续扩展蔓延。松突圆蚧(Hemiberlesia pitysophila Takagi)属同翅目盾蚧科,是日本蚧虫学者高木贞夫(Takagi)于1965年首次在我国台湾省台北市杨明山发现。1980年日本蚧虫
Since 1982, in the coastal areas adjacent to Macao and Hong Kong, the Pinus massoniana forest has been found to be damaged by P. cingulata. According to several surveys conducted by the Guangdong Provincial Forestry Department from 1983 to 1984, it has been confirmed that the pest has occurred in Zhuhai, Doumen, Zhongshan, Shenzhen, Baoan, Huidong, Huiyang, Dongguan, Xinhui, Boluo, Hai Feng, Taishan and Huizhou counties (cities), affected area of more than 2.61 million mu. Of which 522,000 mu have been contiguous or dead. The current disaster continues to expand. Hemiberlesia pitysophila Takagi belongs to the Homoptera Hymenoptera, and was first found in 1965 by the Japanese scale builder Takagi in Yangmingshan, Taipei, Taiwan. 1980 Japan scale insects