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薛小永,现任陕钢集团龙钢公司炼钢厂转炉作业区党支部书记兼作业长,高级技师。多年来,他潜心学习转炉冶炼技术,认真总结生产经验,使钢铁料消耗、石灰单耗、氧气消耗、工序能耗、耐材综合成本等多项指标均创全国同类型装备先进水平;他刻苦钻研,带领团队提升冶炼水平,成功开发了六个新品种钢;他精益求进、永不满足,不断优化渣料结构,降低了耐火材料消耗,创下全国同类转炉最高炉龄记录;他创新性提出转炉生产工段的“3321”管理思路并推广应用,系统性解决了制约生产工艺的瓶颈问题,整体提升了工艺质量管理水平。薛小永先后被龙钢公司、陕钢集团、陕煤化集团评为劳动模范。2015年,被省委宣传部、省文明办等单位共同授予“首届陕西省职工职业道德建设标兵个人”荣誉称号。同年被授予全国劳动模范称号。 XUE Xiao-yong, the incumbent party secretary and chief operating officer and senior technician of converter operation area of ​​steelmaking plant of Steel Company of Shaanxi Iron and Steel Group. Over the years, he devoted himself to the converter smelting technology and conscientiously summed up his experience in production so that a number of indicators such as steel consumption, lime consumption, oxygen consumption, process energy consumption and comprehensive cost of refractory materials all reached the advanced level of the same type of equipment in the country. Studied and led the team to enhance the level of smelting and successfully developed six new varieties of steel; he excels and never satisfies the continuous optimization of slag structure, reducing the consumption of refractory materials and setting the record of the highest furnace age of similar converters in the country. His innovative Proposed converter production section “3321 ” management ideas and promote the use of a systematic solution to the bottleneck restricting the production process, the overall upgrade of the quality of the process management. Xue Xiaoyong has been Long Steel Company, Shaanxi Iron and Steel Group, Shaanxi Coal Group as a model worker. In 2015, it was awarded jointly by the Propaganda Department of Hunan Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Civilization Office as the honorary title of “The First Individual of Pioneering Professional Ethics in Shaanxi Province”. In the same year was awarded the title of national model worker.
1.今天天气怎样?How is the weather today?/What’s the weather like today?/What sort of day are we going to have?2.今天天晴(好天、晴朗、天气真好、天气好极了)。It
首先是研究手术治疗的前列腺增生症(benign prostatichyperplasia,BPH)病人前列腺组织中炎症和感染的发生率,这种炎症是否加重病人下尿路症状(LUTS),以及小体积BPH LUTS明显
表面上和你称兄道弟,亲如手足;内心里却把你视作敌人,势不两立;表面上祝你财源广进,金玉满堂;内心里却希望你债台高筑,穷困潦倒; On the surface, you and your brother-in-