本文以当代美学史学层面历时性展延和演进为纵轴 ,以美学自身文化层面共时性规范和厘定为横轴 ,以当代美学精神层面超时空路向和模式为曲线 ,描述了当代美学话语从分化到整合的嬗变 ,预示了美学经历了形上与形下、主体与客体、本体与实用的分化及由此产生的对峙和裂变后 ,在新世纪的地平线上将会出现崭新的整合的审美人文景观
This paper, based on the diachronic extension and evolution of the contemporary history of aesthetics, takes the timeline norms of the aesthetics itself as the horizontal axis and on the horizon of the contemporary aesthetics as the curve of the time and space directions and the patterns, describes the contemporary aesthetic discourse from The transmutation of differentiation to integration indicates that a new aesthetic integration will emerge on the horizon of the new century after the aesthetics has undergone the metaphysical and metaphysical subjugation, subject and object, noumenon and practical differentiation, and the resulting confrontation and fission. Cultural attractions