为探讨杂交稻种子用浸种灵浸种后对发芽率的影响,从而寻找一种既不影响种子的发芽率,又能起防病作用的最佳方法,我们特作以下研究。1 试验材料与方法供试材料:当年收获的杂交稻种子协优2070;0.2mg/kg浸种灵(浸种灵2ml/支对水10kg)。试验设12h
In order to explore the hybrid rice seed soaking seed soaking germination rate after the impact, so as to find a will not affect the seed germination rate, but also play a preventive role in the best way, we make the following special study. 1 Test materials and methods Test materials: the hybrid rice seeds harvested the same year Association for good 2070; 0.2mg / kg seed soaking (soaking Ling 2ml / branch water 10kg). Test set 12h