在当代中国工笔画画坛上,活跃着一批画家。他们以各自富于特色的艺术创造,表现了时代的风采,创造了新的绘画意象和审美境界。他们在改革开放的文化环境中,以新的理念和自由创造的文化心态,兼容吐纳中外艺术传统,推动着中国工笔画由古典形态向现代形态的转变,形成多元并举的时代新风。他们是当代工笔画坛的中坚力量,胡勃是其中的一位。 胡勃的画路很广,工笔、写意、白描,人物、鞍马、花鸟、山水,无所不能。而且,有精品问世。这得力于他深厚
In contemporary Chinese painting and calligraphy scene, active in a group of painters. With their unique artistic creation, they demonstrated the style of the times and created new images and aesthetics of painting. In the cultural environment of reform and opening up, they are compatible with Chinese and foreign artistic traditions with new ideas and freely created cultural mentality, and they are promoting the transformation of Chinese painting style from the classical form to the modern form and forming the new era of the times with multiple contributions. They are the backbone of contemporary art and painting, and Huber is one of them. Hublot’s painting is very wide, highly skilled, freehand brushwork, white drawings, figures, pommel horse, flowers and birds, landscapes, omnipotence. Moreover, there are boutique come out. This is due to his profoundness