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托尔斯泰说:“艺术是这样一项人类活动:一个人用某种外在的标志有意识地把自己体验过的感情传达给别人,而别人为这些感情所感染,也体验到这些感情。”(列·托尔斯泰《艺术论》)这段话主要表明:创作是一种体验情感和传达情感的活动。从心理学的角度看,文学创作的确承担着这样使命,它创造一种外在的标志——艺术形象来表现作家体验过的情感,并传达给别人。从创作主体来说,无情或寡情,必心枯而文塞;从接受一方来说:“繁采寡情、味之必厌”。无情或寡情的文章虽徒有文采但必定无感染力而令人生厌。没有情感的文章,读起来一定干涩乏味,如同嚼蜡;情感不 Tolstoy said: “Art is such a human activity: a person uses some kind of external sign to consciously convey the feelings he has experienced to others, while others are infected with these feelings and also experience these feelings. ”(Tolstoy column“ Art Theory ”) This passage mainly shows that: creation is a kind of emotional experience and communication activities. From the psychology point of view, literary creations do indeed carry the mission of creating an external sign - an artistic image that expresses the emotions experienced by writers and communicates them to others. From the main body of creation, merciless or widowed, boundless withered; from the acceptance of the party: “Eulogize the taste of the bored.” Ruthless or widowed articles, though literary but inevitably contagious and annoying. No emotional articles, read it must be dry and boring, as chewing wax;
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