自首台 SSL 90 0 0落户上海后 ,SSL公司的实力与敬业精神获得了业内人士广泛的认可 ,并在北京方面率先得到回应。随着10月 17日绿洲录音棚 (OASIS Studio )在北京的开幕 ,又一台 SSL 90 0 0调音台终于展现在国人面前 ,为北京的音乐界增添一道靓丽的风景。90 0 0 J系列是当今世?
Since the first SSL 90 0 0 settled in Shanghai, the strength and professionalism of SSL gained wide recognition in the industry and was the first in Beijing to receive a response. With the opening of the OASIS Studio in Beijing on October 17, another SSL 90 0 console finally appeared in front of people and added a beautiful scene to Beijing’s music industry. 90 0 0 J series is the world today?