When Clarke Kent returns to Earth again this summer to stage a play called “Superman Returns,” the NBA is also battling an heroic return to a glorious era, with Michael Jordan, God still can not afford to give up the heart of the basketball plot, so the fourth back to the NBA this stage. Jordan is an unwilling loner, maybe he can be chic and comfortable playing motorcycle, maybe he can play golf with Tiger Woods, maybe he can spend billions on the racetrack, you can get involved in many areas, but only basketball Let this million people admired the superstar superstar feels accomplishment. In the past, Jordan is relying on a firm belief in the NBA became a jersey God, after he successfully returned for the second time and declared success again, did not expect to be Wizards Jewish boss Pauline behind the ruthless Ruthlessly stabbed “God ” knife, in 2003, Pauline did not even interview Jordan to inform the media: he fired the basketball president of Jordan post. In the NBA, every superstar will put their greatest talent on the pitch