卫生防疫站办公室工作总的来说是八个字,即管理事务,参与政务。其职能和作用就是参谋、助手、协调、把关、服务。办公室工作千头万绪,因此,要想做一名合格的、有作为的办公室主任的确不是一件十分容易的事情。笔者拟就工作实践中的点滴体会谈几点拙见,与同道商榷。1 定好位、讲章法、懂规矩 一名合格的办公室主任首先要扮好自己的有色,必须清清楚楚地知道自己的职责、职能。参谋参谋,参与谋划;决策
The work of the office of the epidemic prevention and epidemic prevention station is generally eight words, namely management affairs, and participation in government affairs. Its functions and roles are staff, assistants, coordination, checks, and services. Office work is very complicated, so it is not easy to be a competent and effective director of the office. The author intends to have a glimpse of some of the bits and pieces of talks in working practices and discuss them with fellow practitioners. 1 Setting a Good Place, Spoiling, and Comprehension A qualified director of the office must first play well with his color and must clearly understand his duties and functions. Staff officers involved in planning; decision-making