肾病综合征是一种以蛋白尿、低蛋白血症、高胆固醇血症及水肿为特征的临床症候群。每年发病率约为2~2.3/10万。除少数患者外,一般无高血压及肾功能不全。80~85%的患儿属微小病变型,其初发年龄多在1~6岁,平均3岁,对皮质激素敏感,预后较好。15~20%尿遗传性或继发性肾病(如系统性红斑狼疮、过敏性紫癜、脉管炎等),预后较差。限于篇幅,本文着重介绍微小病变型肾病综合征(Minimal Change nephrotic syndro-me,简称MCNS)。
Nephrotic syndrome is a clinical syndrome characterized by proteinuria, hypoproteinemia, hypercholesterolemia and edema. The annual incidence of about 2 ~ 2.3 / 100000. In addition to a small number of patients, the general absence of hypertension and renal insufficiency. 80 to 85% of children with minimal disease, the initial age of more than 1 to 6 years old, with an average of 3 years old, sensitive to corticosteroids, the prognosis is good. 15 ~ 20% of urinary hereditary or secondary nephropathy (such as systemic lupus erythematosus, allergic purpura, vasculitis, etc.), the prognosis is poor. Due to space limitations, this article focuses on the minimal change nephrotic syndrome (Minimal Change nephrotic syndro-me, MCNS).