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在靖远县的建筑企业中,王裕良是一个叫得响的名字。笔者未见到王裕良经理前,在靖远县城里见到了来县城办事的平堡乡金园学校校长魏其成。说起王裕良,不善言谈的魏其成校长滔滔不绝地谈了起来。地处靖远平堡乡的金园学校建于五十年代,而且建在当地的苦水沟边。六十年代,学校建起了八间土木结构的平房教室。1986年,苦水沟大发洪水,汹涌的洪水冲毁了学校围墙,并涌进了教室。洪水退后,靠河的围墙杳无踪影,而教室由于进水也严重被浸损。当时,白银市有关部门下拨2万元维修了围墙,但校舍依然——由于年 Among the construction enterprises in Jingyuan County, Wang Yuliang is a reputable name. Before I met the manager Wang Yuliang, we met Wei Qicheng, principal of Pingyuan Township Golden Park School, working in the county town of Jingyuan County. Speaking of Wang Yu-liang, poorly-spoken President Wei Qicong talking endlessly. Jinyuan School, located in Pingyuan Township, Jingyuan County, was built in the 1950s and was built on the side of the local bitter gully. In the 1960s, eight school-built cottage classrooms were erected. In 1986, the bitter ditch floods, raging floods destroyed the school walls, and poured into the classroom. When the flood receded, there was no trace of the wall by the river, and the classroom was severely damaged by water infiltration. At that time, silver city departments allocated 20000 yuan to repair the wall, but the school still - due to the year
维生素B12又称钴胺素,俗称红色维生素、血液之母,是浅红色晶体,无味、无臭,微溶于水,溶于乙醇,呈无水形态时极易吸潮,晶体吸水后在常温或者轻度酸碱的环境中 Vitamin B12, a
想到减肥、健美体型时,女同胞们可能都会想到运动,殊不知,有些运动不仅可以达到减肥美体的作用,同时还能增强她们对性生活的 Think of weight loss, bodybuilding, female c
<正>研究背景:结核病是由结核分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium tubersulosis,Mtb)感染引起的慢性感染性疾病。研究发现,肺结核患者外周血单个核细胞内谷胱甘肽(GSH)水平显著降低,体内