植根河北 有爱大声说 白象坐拥《今日资讯》抢位河北民生第一传播阵营

来源 :声屏世界·广告人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:everywherecsu
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纵观河北市场,既有本土方便面品牌雄霸一方,又有知名方便面品牌坐拥半壁江山,白象如何在河北深耕市场,赢得更多的市场份额呢?河北经济频道准确的把脉客户诉求、协助客户解决问题、助力品牌实效营销从频道栏目、营销手段到传播渠道,都以市场化为导向。通过河北经济频道与白象的多次沟通,确立以“家庭”为传播目标,以“爱”为传播内核的传播策略。河 Throughout the Hebei market, both local instant noodles brand domineering, but also well-known brand of instant noodles sit halfway, white elephant how deep plowing the market in Hebei, to win more market share? Hebei Economic Channel Accurate pulse customers demand to help customers solve Problems, help brand effective marketing Channel from the column, marketing channels to dissemination, are market-oriented. Through the communication between Hebei Economic Channel and White Elephant, the communication strategy of “Family ” is established as the communication target and “Love ” as the propagation core. River