现有床位600张,使用率95%,日门诊量650人,自开院到1084年10月31日门诊总数已达429,524人。计算机系统概况所用计算机系统为综合医疗情报系统IMIS,开院以来即行开机使用。含有医院全部业务内容。主机为二台(IBM3083E型、IBM 4381Ⅱ型)。院内各部门设有多用终端机。医师、护士、药师、技师、医务科人员对各自部门的情况,可当场进行输入。在病案室、检验及功能检查科、放射线科,设有与主机相连接的微机,用于病案管理、检验
There are 600 beds available, with a utilization rate of 95%. There are 650 outpatient visits. The total number of outpatient visits from the opening of the hospital to October 31, 1084 was 429,524. The computer system used in the overview of the computer system was the Integrated Medical Information System (IMIS), which was turned on and used since it was opened. Contains all the hospital’s business content. The host is two (IBM 3083E, IBM 4381II). Various departments in the hospital have multi-purpose terminals. Physicians, nurses, pharmacists, technicians, and medical personnel can input information on their respective departments on the spot. In the case room, inspection and functional inspection department, radiology department, there is a microcomputer connected to the host computer for medical record management and inspection.