自去年 9月报道了困扰“国家点火装置”工程进度和经费超支的许多关键技术问题以来 ,劳仑斯·里弗莫尔国家实验室的“国家点火装置”已达到一个主要里程碑 ,解决了其中的一个关键技术问题。4月 1日 ,里弗莫尔宣布 ,宾州肖特玻璃公司已成功地演示了一种连续熔炼技术 ,可以生产供
Since last September many of the key technical issues that have plagued the “National Ignition Facility” project overrun have been reported, the National Ignition Facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has reached a major milestone in its resolution A key technical issue. April 1, Livermore announced that Penn State Shot Glass Company has successfully demonstrated a continuous melting technology that can produce for