原发性心脏肿瘤发病率极低 ,而原发性心脏横纹肌肉瘤更属罕见 ,现将本文作者在法医实践中遇到的1例报道如下1 案例资料林某 ,女 ,4岁。某日晚 7时因腹痛被带到某诊所就诊。服药 (具体不详 )后回家 ,当天晚 8时死于家中。家属疑为医疗事故 ,要求尸检。死后 37h尸检。尸长 85c
The incidence of primary cardiac tumors is very low, while the primary cardiac rhabdomyosarcoma is even more rare, now the author encountered in forensic practice of a case reported as follows 1 case data Lin, female, 4 years old. At 7 o’clock in the evening due to abdominal pain was taken to a clinic. Take medicine (specific unknown) after returning home, died at 8 o’clock that night at home. Family members suspected of medical accident, requiring autopsy. Post-mortem 37h autopsy. Corpse length 85c