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在新中国成立 1周年的日子 ,中国人民银行主办的《中国金融》杂志创刊了。半个世纪以来 ,特别是党的十一届三中全会以来 ,在改革开放的大好形势下 ,《中国金融》杂志沐浴着春风雨露 ,认真贯彻执行党的宣传方针 ,正确把握舆论导向 ,准确宣传各个时期党和国家的经济金融方针政策 ,适时报道金融业发展历程和辉煌业绩 ,反映基层呼声和工作经验 ,为中国金融的改革与发展发挥了重要的舆论宣传作用。5 0年 ,弹指一挥间 ;5 0周年 ,又是一个新的起点。在半个世纪即将过去 ,新的世纪就要来临的时刻 ,总结以往 ,憧憬未来 ,对《中国金融》的发展是一个难得的历史机遇。为此 ,我们隆重推出《中国金融》创刊 5 0周年有奖征文活动 ,开辟“我与《中国金融》”专栏 ,连续选登征文稿件。热诚欢迎广大读者踊跃投稿 ,畅谈关于《中国金融》杂志 5 0年发展历程的感想体会、轶闻趣事 ,提出宝贵意见和建议 ,群策群力 ,把《中国金融》办得更好 On the first anniversary of the founding of New China, the “China Finance” magazine sponsored by the People’s Bank of China was launched. For half a century, especially since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party, under the great situation of reform and opening up, the “China Finance” magazine is bathed in the spring breezes and has earnestly implemented the party’s propaganda guideline and correctly grasped the guidance of public opinion and accurately propagandized The economic and financial policies and policies of the party and state in various periods timely reported on the course of development and brilliant performance of the financial industry and reflected the voice and work experience at the grassroots level. This played an important role of public opinion in the reform and development of China’s finance. In 2005, the 50th anniversary was a new starting point. It is a rare historical opportunity for the development of “China’s finance” to summarize the past and look forward to the future when the new century is approaching half a century, and the coming of the new century. To this end, we have launched the grand prize solicitation activity for the 50th anniversary of the founding of “China Financial” and opened up a special column entitled “China and China’s Finance,” and selected articles for election in succession. We sincerely welcome readers to submit your articles enthusiastically and talk about your thoughts on the development course of China Financial Magazine in the past 50 years. We will give you valuable opinions and suggestions, work together to make China Finance better
IL-1和IL-2调控未成熟胸腺细胞的IL-2Rα和β链的表达[英]/WilsonA…//EurJImmunol.—1994,24.—1729~1735功能性高亲和力IL-2R包含3个亚单位,IL-2Rα,β和γ。文章研究了IL-1和IL-2对未成熟... IL-1 and IL-2 regulate IL-2Rα and β chain expression
绿色壁垒,在环保大潮中隆起 随着全球经济一体化,贸易自由化的呼声越来越高,不断降低的进出口关税税率,使关税对各国国内贸易的保护作用不断减弱,但非关税的贸易壁垒的种类
2011年年末,由中宣部等5 个部门出台的《加强文化产权交易和艺术品交易管理的意见》(即简称的“49 号文”),让曾经风光一时、在中国各地肆意开花的文化艺术品交易所被判了“死刑”。政府文件虽明确表示仅支持上海和深圳两地的文交所作为试点,部分地肯定了这一机构成立的意义,但是要经批准可探索采取非公开发行或其他方式进行艺术品交易。与文交所密不可分的概念——艺术品份额化,显然遭到了质疑。份额化意味着艺术品
 1、女人反对重男轻女,却常常跑到“减肥训练班”。 2、脸皮厚的人,最常说的一句话是“我待你不薄”。 3、招聘大都是“有经验者优先”,招婿则相反。 4、有人请假的理由是“病
男人对你的恋母情结终究抵不过青春肉体。  Q:悄悄问问,男人是否介意女友的身材不完美,尤其是爱爱时,会暴露小赘肉?  A:老实说,没有几个人光屁股好看的,100个女人里99个身材有缺憾,能拍写真集还不需要修片的,很少。虽然没有男人不爱“旗杆挂气球”(身体像旗杆却有大胸部,我极爱),但环肥燕瘦还是各有支持者,唐玄宗就不介意杨玉环的三层肉。  爱爱是件浪漫的事情,是一种氛围,要全心投入,别因怕露出小赘