董大夫: 我是一名患尖锐湿疣的女青年,半年前已经得到治疗,但现在一个月中仍有几天发痒,为此我深感痛苦,也轻生过。董大夫,我想问您一下,得这种病,以后还能不能要孩子?会不会传染给下一代?我身上的血液是否纯净,献血时能不能通过化验血液看出我有没有这种病?我很想无偿献血,但又怕真是那样的话令我难堪!望董大夫能给我指出一个能彻底治愈的方法。患者:小玲
Doctor Dong: I am a young woman suffering from condyloma acuminatum. She was treated half a year ago but I still feel itchy for a few months now. For this reason, I am deeply in pain and have given birth to it. Dr. Dong, I would like to ask you, get this disease, future can not have children? Will it be transmitted to the next generation? My body’s blood is pure, blood donation can not see through the blood test I have this Ill? I would love to give blood at no cost, but I’m so scared that it would embarrassed me! Dr Dong asked me to point out a way to completely heal. Patient: Xiao Ling