七、SECAM 制式SECAM(S(?)quentiel Couleurs (?) Mémoire)制式是法国人亨利(Henri)1956年提出,并于1966年正式播出的一种彩色电视制式。SECAM 制彩色电视系统的目标也是为了克服 NTSC 制的相位敏感性,其办法是,将两个色差信号进行调频,并加以逐行依次传送,亮度信号则仍然是调幅,且每行传送。这样,由于在同一时间内传输通道中只存在一个色差信号,就不会产生互串现象,也不会引起彩色失真。要使电视接收机恢复能重现彩色图象的 R、G、B信号,必须同时存在亮度信号和两个色差信号。因此,SECAM 制采用的办法是,在彩色解码器中利用一行
SECAM SECAM (S)? Quentiel Couleurs (?) Mémoire is a color television system proposed by the Frenchman Henri in 1956 and formally broadcast in 1966. The goal of the SECAM color television system is also to overcome the phase sensitivity of the NTSC system by frequency-modulating the two color difference signals and transmitting them sequentially on a line by line basis while the luminance signal is still amplitude modulated and transmitted per line. In this way, since there is only one color difference signal in the transmission channel at the same time, no cross-string phenomenon or color distortion will be caused. For the television receiver to recover the R, G, B signals that reproduce the color image, both the luminance signal and the two color difference signals must be present. Therefore, SECAM system approach is to use a color decoder line