
来源 :中国实用内科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:calvin0932
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近年来,关于心肺运动试验(CPX)的研究数量呈指数样飞速增加,各类学术组织亦发布多项关于CPX的科学声明及指导性文件。2012年,欧洲心血管预防和康复学会(EACPR)联合美国心脏学会(AHA)发表声明,重新定义了CPX分析流程,规范了CPX报告格式,旨在推进其临床应用。2016年,EACPR/AHA在最新CPX研究证据的基础上,对此声明再次修订,修改了基于CPX参数的疾病诊断和预后分层标准,澄清通气阈值时摄氧量在临床的应用,更新了CPX某些参数的临床意义,强调了CPX数据个性化解读的重要性,并指明未来的研究方向。文章针对更新的内容加以详细的解读,希望籍此加深中国临床医生对CPX的理解,更好的应用于临床。 In recent years, the number of CPX studies has increased exponentially, and various academic organizations have released a number of scientific statements and guidance documents on CPX. In 2012, the European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (EACPR) in conjunction with the American Heart Association (AHA) issued a statement redefining the CPX analysis process and regulating the CPX reporting format to further its clinical application. In 2016, based on the latest CPX research evidence, EACPR / AHA revised this statement again, revised the disease diagnosis and prognosis stratification criteria based on CPX parameters, clarified the clinical application of oxygen uptake threshold at ventilation threshold, and updated CPX The clinical significance of some parameters underscores the importance of personal interpretation of CPX data and indicates future research directions. The article is intended to explain in detail the content of the update and hopes to deepen the understanding of CPX by Chinese clinicians so that they can be better applied to clinical practice.