丁宝桢(1820—1868是晚清末期著名的政务活动家,是从贵州织金走向全国的一代名人。在丁宝桢的一生中,他为国为民做了许多实事和好事,老百姓至今对他怀念不已。今年正值丁宝桢诞辰18O周年,本刊特别推出“丁宝桢研究”专栏,以此纪念这位杰出的历史人物。今后,我们还将在这个专栏内刊登有关丁宝桢事迹的研究文章。 在黔西北这块神奇的土地上,从古至今产生过许多文化名人,铸就了黔西北深厚的文化底蕴。作为立足于这块土地上的唯一的一家公开出版发行的理论刊物,本刊义不容辞地肩负了对他们进行理论研究的责任。为此,我们打算在“黔西北文化名人”的总题目下,对历史上曾经产生过的杰出人物,不管是哪一方面的,诸如奢香夫人(彝族)、桃三春桃新春兄弟(苗族)、李世杰、周素园(汉族)等等,逐一开展专题研究,希望有志于此的专家、学者、读者予以支持和关注,并不吝赐稿。
Ding Baozhen (1820-1868, a famous political activist in the late Qing Dynasty and a famous generation from Guizhou Zhijin to the whole country in his life, has done many practical and good things for the country and the people, so many people have missed him so far This year coincides with the 18th anniversary of Ding Baozhen’s birth, this special issue of “Ding Baozhen research” column, in order to commemorate this outstanding historical figure in the future, we will publish in this column research articles on the deeds of Ding Baozhen. On the magical land, many cultural celebrities have been born from ancient times to the present, which created the profound cultural connotation in northwestern Guizhou.As the only one published theoretically in this land, it is incumbent on us to shoulder the responsibility for them For the purpose of theoretical research.For this purpose, we intend to “Guizhou Qianxi cultural celebrities,” the total title, on the history have produced outstanding people, no matter what, such as Mrs. Shexiang (Yi), peach three Spring and Autumn New Year Brothers (Miao), Li Shijie, Zhou Suyuan (Han) and so on, one by one to carry out special studies, hoping to aspire to be experts, scholars, readers to be Support and attention, and feel free to contribute draft.