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可持续发展是科学发展观的重要组成部分,绿色繁荣是科学发展观的主要内涵。在我国三十年发展模式选择中,绿色繁荣战略是中西部民族后发地区的必然选择。恩施州作为资源富集、潜力巨大、尚待开发的后发地区和少数民族地区,要实现可持续发展必须将绿色繁荣作为谋划州域经济社会发展的大战略、总战略、长远战略。 Sustainable development is an important part of the scientific concept of development. Green prosperity is the main content of the scientific concept of development. In the choice of 30 years of development mode in our country, the strategy of green prosperity is the inevitable choice for the backward regions in the central and western regions. Enshi prefecture, as a resource-rich and potential area, has yet to be developed in backward areas and ethnic minority areas. To achieve sustainable development, Enshi Prefecture must adopt green prosperity as a grand strategy, a general strategy and a long-term strategy for planning state economic and social development.
论述了现代信息技术环境下的中学物理演示型教学模式,明确了它在现代物理教学中的地位,提出了模式应有的组织环节及各环节具体的实施方案。 It discusses the teaching mode