细菌性阴道病(B6cteridVaginosisBV)是一类在细菌学上表现为生殖道正常菌群(主要是乳酸杆菌)减少,代之是厌氧菌群,加德纳菌,等嗜血杆菌等增加的临床症候群。它是近来新认识的一种性传播疾病。对我院1993年9月 ̄1994年10月的402例BV病例进行统计分析,并进一步治疗观察,了解BV在妇科炎症中发病情况。方法取阴道分泌物革兰氏染色找出线索细胞。结论BV是妇产科最常见疾病之一,感染率达15% ̄50%,且容易复发,能引起多种并发症。因此,在妇科、产科及施行手术前对BV例行检查是十分必要的。
Bacterial vaginosis (B6cteridVaginosisBV) is a class of bacteria in the bacteriological manifestations of the normal reproductive tract flora (mainly Lactobacilli) reduction, replaced by anaerobic bacteria, Gardnerella, Haemophilus increased such clinical Syndrome. It is a newly recognized sexually transmitted disease. In our hospital from September 1993 ~ October 1994 402 cases of BV statistical analysis, and further treatment of observation, to understand the incidence of BV in gynecological inflammation. Methods Gram staining of vaginal secretions to identify clue cells. Conclusion BV is one of the most common diseases in obstetrics and gynecology, the infection rate is 15% ~ 50%, and it is easy to relapse and can cause many complications. Therefore, in gynecology, obstetrics and pre-operative routine inspection of BV is very necessary.