摘要以全国土地污染防治项目取得的地球化学数据为基础,对乐陵-河口地区土壤重金属含量水平、污染现状、主要来源进行系统研究,并在研究区内开展土壤生态地球化学风险评价,结果表明:表层土壤中元素 Cd、Hg、Pb富集系数较大,其平均含量分别为0.16 mg/kg、0.030 mg/kg、21.8 mg/kg,表现出明显的表层富集特征。区内土壤重金属元素潜在生态危害轻微级达到90.07%,中等的占9.58%,强的占0.35%,没有很强和极强级别,土壤潜在生态危害不很严重。Hg、Cd、As 3种元素对土壤危害的贡献率之和达到86.55%,Hg是调查区土壤污染最严重和危害最大的重金属元素,其生态危害贡献率就达到了48.03%;Cd次之,强和很强生态危害等级以上的土壤样品占总数的0.32%;土壤重金属元素危害程度从大到小的排序为Hg>Cd> Pb>As>Cu>Ni>Cr>Zn。该研究在制定重金属污染防治对策、进行土壤环境质量保护等方面具有重要的指导作用。
The Soil Ecological Geochemistry Risk Assessment——A Case Study in Leling Estuary Area
ZHAO Xiqiang, WANG Cunlong, YU Chao
(Shandong Institute of Geological Survey, Ji’nan, Shandong 250013)
AbstractBased on the geochemical data obtained from the national project about the prevention and control of soil contamination, through studying on the pollution investigation and the temporal and spatial variation of soil heavy metal, this study analyzed the pollution status and dynamic changes of soil heavy metals profoundly and systematically, carried out ecological geochemical assessment of risk in the study area. The results showed that: potential ecological risk of heavy metals in the soil was in slight level. The contribution the elements Hg, Cd, As in soil damage reached 86.55%. The contribution of the ecological hazards of the element Hg reached 48.03%. The samples that the degree of ecological hazard of Hg are very serious and extremely serious accounted for 9.69% of the total, The contribution of Hg in ecological hazard only reach 44.64% among the three elements; The samples of Cd above the level of serious ecological hazards accounted for 0.32% .The elements sorted in descending in ecological hazard is Hg> Cd> Pb> As> Cu> Ni> Cr> Zn. This study will provide technical support for heavy metal pollution prevention and soil environmental quality protection.
Key wordsSoil heavy mental pollution; Ecogeochemical; Risk assessment; LelingEstuary
調查区位于山东省北部边缘,涉及德州、滨州、东营3市所辖10个县(市、区)部分地区,面积1.00万km2。地理坐标为116°15′~119°15′ E,37°28′~38°22′ N。区内属于暖温带大陆型季风气候区,四季分明,春季干旱少雨多风;夏季炎热多雨湿度大;秋季旱涝不均;冬季严寒干燥,雨雪稀少。区内水系十分发育,马颊河、徒骇河、德惠新河独流入海,多为季节性河流。卫运河及漳卫运河在工作区西北、北部穿过,为山东省与河北省的界河。马颊河从陵县进入工作区,横贯测区的宁津、乐陵、庆云到无棣县北部入渤海,是区内的主要河流。徒骇河从沾化县进入工作区,南北向穿越工作区,北入渤海。区内除无棣县碣石山有小面积的新生代玄武岩出露外,其余全为第四纪松散沉积物覆盖。地形较为平坦。地面标高一般小于70 m,总的地势为西高东低,自南西向北东微倾。按地貌成因类型可划分为黄河冲积平原、冲海积平原、现代黄河三角洲平原3种地貌单元[1-3]。近年来,由于化肥、农药的大量使用和城镇污废水排放,区内土壤环境质量污染严重。
The Soil Ecological Geochemistry Risk Assessment——A Case Study in Leling Estuary Area
ZHAO Xiqiang, WANG Cunlong, YU Chao
(Shandong Institute of Geological Survey, Ji’nan, Shandong 250013)
AbstractBased on the geochemical data obtained from the national project about the prevention and control of soil contamination, through studying on the pollution investigation and the temporal and spatial variation of soil heavy metal, this study analyzed the pollution status and dynamic changes of soil heavy metals profoundly and systematically, carried out ecological geochemical assessment of risk in the study area. The results showed that: potential ecological risk of heavy metals in the soil was in slight level. The contribution the elements Hg, Cd, As in soil damage reached 86.55%. The contribution of the ecological hazards of the element Hg reached 48.03%. The samples that the degree of ecological hazard of Hg are very serious and extremely serious accounted for 9.69% of the total, The contribution of Hg in ecological hazard only reach 44.64% among the three elements; The samples of Cd above the level of serious ecological hazards accounted for 0.32% .The elements sorted in descending in ecological hazard is Hg> Cd> Pb> As> Cu> Ni> Cr> Zn. This study will provide technical support for heavy metal pollution prevention and soil environmental quality protection.
Key wordsSoil heavy mental pollution; Ecogeochemical; Risk assessment; LelingEstuary
調查区位于山东省北部边缘,涉及德州、滨州、东营3市所辖10个县(市、区)部分地区,面积1.00万km2。地理坐标为116°15′~119°15′ E,37°28′~38°22′ N。区内属于暖温带大陆型季风气候区,四季分明,春季干旱少雨多风;夏季炎热多雨湿度大;秋季旱涝不均;冬季严寒干燥,雨雪稀少。区内水系十分发育,马颊河、徒骇河、德惠新河独流入海,多为季节性河流。卫运河及漳卫运河在工作区西北、北部穿过,为山东省与河北省的界河。马颊河从陵县进入工作区,横贯测区的宁津、乐陵、庆云到无棣县北部入渤海,是区内的主要河流。徒骇河从沾化县进入工作区,南北向穿越工作区,北入渤海。区内除无棣县碣石山有小面积的新生代玄武岩出露外,其余全为第四纪松散沉积物覆盖。地形较为平坦。地面标高一般小于70 m,总的地势为西高东低,自南西向北东微倾。按地貌成因类型可划分为黄河冲积平原、冲海积平原、现代黄河三角洲平原3种地貌单元[1-3]。近年来,由于化肥、农药的大量使用和城镇污废水排放,区内土壤环境质量污染严重。