Pondering over Some Chinese And Western Poems about Old Age

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Through a comparative appreciation of Chinese and Western poems about old age,the present article tends to present a general convey of the western and eastern poets’ attitudes and feelings towards old age,which is an aspect of human culture.The main themes are almost the same:reminiscence(sweet or bitter) ,solitude,contentment,detachment,sorrow and sentiment.But the Western are more optimistic and admire youth,regard old age as a natural stage of life.The Chinese,more conservative and perfectionist,show much more respect to the old,and think more about the past unfulfilled. Through a basic review of Chinese and Western poems about old age, the present article tends to present a general convey of the western and eastern poets’ attitudes and feelings towards old age, which is an aspect of human culture. same: reminiscence (sweet or bitter), solitude, contentment, detachment, sorrow and sentiment. But the Western are more optimistic and admire youth, regard old age as a natural stage of life. The Chinese, more conservative and perfectionist, show much more respect to the old, and think more about the past unfulfilled.
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