进入6月,我们面临着两大节日,一是纪念毛主席关于民兵工作“三落实”的指示发表36周年;二是庆祝中国人民解放军预备役部队组建15周年。在此,我们谨向国防后备军的全体战友,特别是预备役部队官兵致以节日的热烈祝贺! 着眼于我国国防大业的全局需要,在完成裁减常备军50万的同时,相应地加强国防后备力量的建设,这是党中央和中央军委确定深化我军改革的重要内容。要保证我们这样一个大国的安全,要保证我国
As we enter June, we face two major festivals: First, we honor the 36th anniversary of Chairman Mao’s directive on “three fulfillment” of the militia work; second, we celebrate the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the PLA’s reserve force. Here, we hereby warmly congratulate all the comrades of the national defense reserve army, especially the officers and soldiers of the reserve army! Focusing on the overall needs of our country’s national defense industry, while reducing the reserve 500,000 troops, we should correspondingly strengthen the building of our national defense reserve forces. This is an important part of the party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission in deepening the reform of our military. To ensure the security of such a big country, we must guarantee our country