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我是1952年9月,奉调到出版社工作的。原来我于1950年参加抗美援朝,在沈阳东北军区后勤政治部宣传部,这年的一月份,我正被派在后勤司令部担任三反运动办公室工作。运动正在轰轰烈烈地进行。当时军队的后勤部门,管钱管物,掌握巨额的军用物资和大量资金,被认为“山深林密,藏龙卧虎之地”。根据“大胆怀疑”的方针,这里必然有的是大大小小的“老虎”。在司令员李聚奎将军亲自直接领导下,由张璋和我担任办公室的正副 I was in September 1952, was transferred to the press. It turned out that I joined the War to Resist U.S.Aid Korea in 1950 and was in the Propaganda Department of the Logistics and Political Department of the Northeast Military District in Shenyang. In January of that year, I was being assigned to work as a counter-movement office in the Logistics Command. The movement is going on vigorously. At that time, the army’s logistic department, possession of money and materials, possession of huge amounts of military supplies and a large amount of capital was considered as “the secret of the mountains and the forests and the land of dragons and crouches.” According to the “bold doubts ” approach, there must be some large and small “tiger ”. Under the direct leadership of Commander General Li Juikui, Zhang Zhang and I served as the deputy chief of the office