幼儿需要认识世界,但由于心理水平和能力所限,他们还不能独立地了解周围世界,不能独立地形成正确的认识。引导幼儿正确地认识周围生活是启蒙教育的关键和基础。如何引导呢?俄罗斯教育家乌申斯基说:“儿童是通过直观和实践获得逻辑概念——原因、结果、目的、用途、结论、推理的。”这说明幼儿认识生活、了解世界的根本途径是直观即感知和观察以及实践活动。所以教育幼儿认识世界,必须抓好两方面的工作: 一、训练幼儿的感知觉,培养幼儿的观察力。感知觉是智力活动的重要前提,是获取知识的门户。列宁说:“不通过感觉,我们就不能知道实物的任何形式,也不能知道运动的任何形式。”对
Young children need to know the world, but because of their psychological level and ability, they still can not independently understand the world around them and can not form a correct understanding independently. To guide children to correctly understand the surrounding life is the key and foundation of enlightenment education. How to Guide? Russian educator Uzushinski said: “Children acquire logical concepts through intuition and practice - reason, result, purpose, purpose, conclusion and reasoning.” This shows that children’s basic ways of understanding life and knowing the world Intuitive is perception and observation as well as practical activity. Therefore, to educate young children to understand the world, we must do a good job in two aspects: First, to train young children’s sense of perception and to develop young children’s observation power. Sense of perception is an important prerequisite for intellectual activity, is to obtain knowledge portal. Lenin said: “Without feeling, we can not know any form of matter and we can not know any form of movement.”