
来源 :江西棉花科技通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:crylion
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棉花害虫防治,我省历年来一直都是采用老方法,老药剂,致使害虫的抗药性日益严重,防治效果逐年降低,似有“越治越难”的趋势,略有疏忽便暴发成灾。为了控制其危害,广大棉区只好盲目增加喷药次数,提高药液浓度,造成防治成本提高,环境污染严重,加重棉农负担等弊病,群众说是“打不完的药,治不完的虫,治虫难办,棉花难种”。为此,我们开展了“棉花病虫测报新方法和防治新途径的研究”,并取得明显的效果。1977年进行的“溴氰菊酯防治棉花害虫试验”,就是其内容之一。从药效试验中发现,溴氰菊酯在棉田施用,不但药效试验中发现,溴氰菊酯在棉田施用,不但防虫效果卓著(杀虫广、击倒快、毒力强 Cotton pest control, our province has been using the old method over the years, the old agent, resulting in the growing resistance of pests, prevention and control efficiency decreased year by year, it seems that “the more rule the more difficult” trend, a slight negligence will be outbreaks. In order to control its harm, the vast area of ​​cotton has to blindly increase the frequency of spraying, increase the liquid concentration, resulting in increased costs of prevention and control, serious environmental pollution and aggravating the burden on cotton farmers. The masses said that they are “an untapped medicine that can not be eradicated , Difficult to cure worms, cotton hardcore. ” To this end, we have launched a “new method of cotton pest detection and prevention and control of new ways of research” and achieved significant results. The “deltamethrin cotton pest control test” carried out in 1977 is one of its contents. From the efficacy test found that deltamethrin applied in the cotton field, not only in the efficacy test found that deltamethrin applied in the cotton field, not only outstanding pest control effect (wide insecticide, knockout fast, strong virulence
前言烟草对黑胫病(Phytophthoraparasitica var.nicotianae)的抗性的鉴定方法,大致分为大田病圃自然鉴定与人工接种鉴定,目前日本几乎都采用人工接种鉴定法。人工接种鉴定有
一、巨绵蚧为害的情况巨绵蚧[MegapulVinaria maxima(Green)]是千年桐、光桐毁灭性的大害虫。寄主被害后,轻者,降低树木的生长势,减少产量;重者造成单株或成片枯死。1971至1
“神经细胞不能再生”的观点在21世纪的门槛前戛然止步 有一种观点如果说出来可能会让人产生一种坐看落日生命即将随之灭息的感觉,或者就像迟暮垂亡的老者,身患绝症躺卧床榻
四、杆状病毒的生产与使用 1、分离的标准化杆状病毒在田间应用时,重要的是要考虑只有使用提纯的和完全标准化的制剂。这个先决条件的重要性已经多次强调(111,117,118,119,1
红杉球蚜Ade Lges Laricis Potaniinilaricis Zhang是我省高山林区主要更新树种红杉和四川红杉的主要害虫之一,它使树势衰弱,主侧枝停止生长,导致煤烟病发生,甚至全株枯萎死