成本随价格下调 销量随产量提高——津西铁厂靠管理化解市场风险

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唐山市津西铁厂内部挖潜降成本,外拓市场扩销路,巧妙化解生铁销售价格较年前大幅度下跌的市场风险,今年1-9月份,实现利税4503.1万元,同比增长13%,占全年计划的75%。今年初,津西铁厂确定今年完成利税6000万元,比去年增加1000万元目标任务的同时,陷入了前所未有的市场困境:受东南亚金融危机的影响,韩国、日本等销售市场冻结,国内销售市场萎缩,生铁售价持续下滑,每吨比上年度平均售价低250元。危机面前,这厂强化管理,使成本与价格同步下降,销量与产量同步提高。按生铁市场价格对成本的需求,他们三次下降成本,从年初的吨铁工厂成本923元降低到每吨760元。为确保成本下降到位,该厂在将重新测算后的8600个指标层层倒推分解到分厂、车间、班组及个 Tangshan Jinxi ironworks internal tapping the potential costs, the expansion of the market extension market, cleverly resolve the market price of pig iron sales prices dropped significantly from a year ago, from January to September this year, profits and taxes 450.31 million yuan, an increase of 13%, accounting for 75% of the annual plan. Earlier this year, Jinxi Iron Works determined that profits and taxes of 60 million yuan will be completed this year, an increase of 10 million yuan more than last year. At the same time, it plunged into an unprecedented market dilemma: affected by the financial crisis in Southeast Asia, sales markets such as South Korea and Japan were frozen and domestic sales markets Shrinkage, pig iron prices continued to decline, the average selling price per ton lower than the previous year 250 yuan. In front of the crisis, this factory strengthened management, so that the cost and price drop simultaneously, sales and production simultaneously improve. According to the demand for pig iron market prices, they cut costs three times, from the beginning of the iron and iron plant cost 923 yuan to 760 yuan per ton. In order to ensure the cost down in place, the plant will re-measure the 8,600 indicators after the layers of down-down decomposition to the plant, workshop, team and a
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我代表中国企业联合会全球契约 推进办公室对深圳市凯尔得环保科技 连锁有限公司申请加入全球契约表示 赞赏和积极支持。当我们于3月29日 收到凯尔得环保科技连锁有限公司的
1 工程概况西林钢铁公司炼铁系统有两座120m~3高炉,年产生铁19万 t,入炉焦比600kg/tFe,与之配套设施有6座球式热风炉及2套干式布袋除尘;热风温度在1000℃左右;入炉铁料来自
笔者今年在参观学习时,感到建湘瓷厂因地制宜,就地取材制作的竹环除尘器别具一格,现就该装置及个人的一些看法作一简要介绍──笔者注。 When I visited and studied this year