
来源 :实用眼科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sddhyyj
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我院自82年以来采用球结膜血管烧灼阻断术,试治疗进行性及复发性翼状胬肉共30例(复发性3例),随访1—2年尚无一例继续进展,现介绍如下。手术方法:按常规消毒、麻醉,在半月皱襞和胬肉体交接处及角巩膜缘外胬肉的体与颈交接处,分别用烧红的针炙针行球结膜表层及其固有层进行烧灼至颜色苍白为止,再在胬肉体部和颈部四周分别烧灼肉眼可见的血管。术后涂消炎眼膏。 Our hospital since 1982, the use of conjunctival vascular occlusion surgery, treatment of progressive and recurrent pterygium, a total of 30 cases (3 cases of recurrent), follow-up of 1-2 years there is no further progress, are described below. Surgical methods: according to conventional disinfection, anesthesia, at the junction of the semilunar folds and pterygium body and the junction of the corneal limbus and pterygium body with the neck, respectively, with a red hot acupuncture needle line of the surface of the conjunctiva and its lamina propria cauterization Pale color so far, and then in the flesh around the body and the neck were burning the visible blood vessels. Apply anti-inflammatory eye ointment.
本文作者主要结合桥梁受力、施工材料、施工工艺、温度以及养护等多个方面的因素分析了分析,并探讨了具体的应对措施。 The author mainly analyzes and analyzes some fact