黄金周出行计划——一路放歌 一路驰骋

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黄金周到了,赶紧收拾行囊,发动引擎,实施蓄谋已久的出逃计划。逃离摩肩接踵的拥挤、逃离窒息的空气,像鹰一样自由四个轮子载着轻松的心情,穿梭于山间、乡村、田野,驰骋于广阔的草原上、游走在曾经的繁华间。不要担心你会迷失,路一旦被延伸,视野随之开阔,用心灵同美好得大自然对话,用思想同沧桑得历史老人交流。四个轮子上的生活是你天空中的一道彩虹,美丽却短暂,所以,不要犹豫吧,跨起行装,一路放歌一路驰骋,路在脚下延伸,心早已飞向远方。为了让读者有一个难忘的假期,《家用汽车》特意制作了一份十一黄金周节日出行计划、希望能作为您国庆节期间出游的参考。 Gold thoughtful, and quickly pack up, start the engine, the planned long-planned flight plan. Escape from crowded crowds, escape from the suffocation of the air, like an eagle free four wheels with a relaxed mood, shuttle in the mountains, countryside, fields, gallop in the vast grasslands, walk in the once bustling. Do not worry that you will be lost. Once the road is extended, your vision will be broaden, and you will have a good conversation with nature in your heart and exchange ideas with the elderly with history. Life on the four wheels is a rainbow in your sky, beautiful but short-lived, so do not hesitate to dress up across the road, singing all the way gallop, the road at the foot extension, the heart has long been flying to the distance. In order to allow readers to have a memorable holiday, “Family Cars” deliberately produced a 11 Golden Week holiday travel plans, hoping to travel as a reference during your National Day.
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