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最近我的一位朋友不知从哪儿弄到一种硅脂,还说导热性比普通的硅脂要好,于是我便从他那里要了一点,也给我的CPU降降温。 我把硅脂打开看了看,发现它的颜色不像普通的硅脂那样是白的,而是银灰色的。把机箱打开,在我的AMD雷鸟上涂了厚厚的一层。开机的时候,电脑给了我一个黑脸,我还以为是我在换硅脂时不小心碰到了其他的部件,导致接触不良才黑脸的。于是 Recently, one of my friends did not know where to get a grease, and said the thermal conductivity is better than ordinary grease, so I would like to have a little bit from him, but also to cool down my CPU. I looked at the silicone grease and found that it was not as white as ordinary grease but silver gray. Open the case and put a thick layer on my AMD Thunderbird. When I turned on the computer gave me a dark face, I thought I was accidentally met when the other parts of the grease, resulting in poor contact only black-faced. then
La0.7-xSmx+0.02Ca0.3CrO3-δ (0≤x≤0.4) powders with A-site excessive perovskite structure were synthesized by auto-ignition process and characterized. X-ray di
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Purpose. To ascertain the therapeutic effect of periocular corticosteroids in diabetic papillopathy. Methods. Prospec-tively, five consecutive adult-onset diabe
前不久,电影《阿凡达》以其逼真的3D效果赢得全球影迷追捧,一股3D电影热潮也应声而起。那么什么是3D电影呢? Not long ago, the movie “Avatar” won the global fans with
虚拟专用网VPN(Virtual Private Network)被定义为通过一个公用网络建立一个临时的、安全的连接,是一条穿过混乱的公用网络的安全、稳定的隧道。通过VPN技术实现大量数据的远
研究结果表明,从扩散源 Mn 薄层把 Mn 扩散到 ZnS 中,对于制备 ZnS:Mn AC TFEL器件来说是一种可行的方法。向 ZnS 层的顶部和底部进行扩散制得的器件有不同的性能.与共蒸发型
朋友有一台康柏P100的旧电脑,想让我帮他更换一块新的大一点的硬盘,于是我给他找了一块昆腾火球6.4GB硬盘,可是在安装时遇到了麻烦,硬盘就是不能在这台康柏电脑上安家。 在