夏日耀眼的阳光下,茵茵的草地上野花竞相绽放,散落在草原上的牧民黑帐篷里炊烟袅袅。离公路不远处,几个藏族人牵着马在草地上来回走动。目光的尽头,海拔5820米,终年积雪的雅拉神山犹如一座高耸入云的纯白宝塔。草原的四周,依次排列着三座丘原草山,山上嘛呢经幡组成三角形或四方形等众多旗阵,在夏日的山风中招展飘舞。每个山头,五颜六色的嘛呢经幡都从山脚十分壮观地一直向上延伸至山间,犹如给大山披上了一层色彩艳丽的盛装。这便是美丽的塔公草原,我们此行的目的,是为了参加塔公寺藏历6月6日- 17日举行的护法盛会,一睹神秘的木雅藏族的金刚舞跳神表演。
Under the bright sun of summer, the wildflowers on the grassy lawn bloom bloomingly, and the smoke is curled up in the black tent of herdsmen scattered on the grassland. Not far from the highway, a few Tibetans are holding horses moving around in the meadow. At the end of the eye, 5820 meters above sea level, the snow-capped Yarra Mountain is like a towering pure white pagoda. Around the prairie, followed by the arrangement of three mound grass hill, the mountain Well done prayer flags formed a triangle or square and many other flag array, in the summer mountain breeze dancing. Each hill, colorful Well, prayer flags from the foot of the mountain has been very spectacular has been extended up to the mountains, like to put a layer of colorful costumes. This is the beautiful tower grassland. The purpose of our visit was to attend the Dharma Festival held in Tibet on June 6 and 17, and to see the mysterious woody dance performed by the Miaoyu Tibetan people.