题目不难理解,也就是“未来将不存在互联网企业”的意思。 何为电子商务 在概念层面对e-business给出清晰的定义,不只是因为它是讨论和综述的基点,也是因为,电子商务的概念同样是生发于发达国家的经济体系之中的,它同样是西方话语体系的一部分,而我们似乎只能接受这一事实。综合西方世界的各种说法,e-business是指借助Internet来实施商务过程,或再宽泛一点,“是指利用任何信息和通讯技术进行任何形式的商务或管理运作或进行信息交换。”在最根本的意义上,也就是要建立一种全社会的“网络计算环境”。e-Commerce则是通过Internet而实施的商品、服务的买卖和资金的转移,这也是人们一般所认为的电子
The problem is not difficult to understand, that is, “the future will not exist in the Internet business,” the meaning. E-commerce is a clear definition of e-business at the conceptual level, not only because it is the basis for discussion and review, but also because the concept of e-commerce is also developed in the economies of developed countries. It is also true Is part of the Western discourse system, and we seem to accept only this fact. To sum up the Western world’s argument, e-business refers to the implementation of business processes via the Internet, or a little more broadly, “to mean any form of business or management operation or exchange of information using any information and communications technology.” In the essential sense, it is to establish a “social network computing environment.” e-Commerce is through the Internet and the implementation of the sale of goods, services and capital transfer, which is also generally believed that electronic