不知您看到照片上那红艳艳的“火球”时是什么感觉,我是一下子就被它吸引住了。它那顶生于花莛、由近百朵小花密集而成的大花球,浑圆可爱,显示了它非凡的“个性”,也因此,它有一个有趣而形象的名字——网球花。网球花(Haemanthus spp.)别名火球花、网球石蒜,是石蒜科网球花属多年生草本球根花卉。同属“兄弟”还有虎耳兰、绣球百合等。原产热带非洲,我国云南也有野生。网球花具
I do not know if you see the bright red fireball on the photo, I was attracted to it all at once. It was born in the scallion, from nearly a hundred flower intensive flower ball, rounded cute, showing its extraordinary “personality”, and therefore, it has a funny and the image of the name - tennis flower. (Haemanthus spp.) Alias fireball flower, tennis stone garlic, is amaryllidaceae perennial herb bulbous flower. Both belong to “brothers” there are tiger ears, hydrangea lily and so on. Native tropical Africa, China also has wild Yunnan. Tennis flower