右心室梗塞(RVI)常与左室下壁梗塞同时发生,单纯性RVI临床上少见。我院曾收治3例报告如下 : 例1,男、81岁,主因胸痛,气急,大汗4小时于1983年8月11日来我院。既往有高血压,冠心病左心功能不全史。查体Bp50/30mmHg,呼吸急促,大汗,口唇发绀、颈静脉怒张,心率88次/分,律绝对不齐,双肺底小水泡音。心电图检查STⅠ.Ⅱ.aVF.V3—5明显降低,右心导联V4R呈QS型,ST段抬高0.2mV,R—R间期绝对不整,无P波。诊断;急性单纯RVI,休克,全心衰竭,房颤。入院后给予吸氧,抗休克,纠正心功能等综合治疗病情未能好转,于入院3小时发生室颤经药物及电除颤未能复苏而死亡。
Right ventricular infarction (RVI) and left ventricular infarction often occur simultaneously, simple RVI clinical rare. Our hospital has admitted 3 cases reported as follows: Example 1, male, 81 years old, mainly due to chest pain, shortness of breath, sweating 4 hours in August 11, 1983 to our hospital. Past history of hypertension, coronary heart disease left heart failure history. Examination Bp50 / 30mmHg, shortness of breath, sweating, cyanosis of the lips, jugular vein engorgement, heart rate 88 beats / min, the law is absolutely missing, the end of the lungs small blisters sound. Electrocardiographic examination STⅠ.Ⅱ.aVF.V3-5 was significantly reduced, right heart lead V4R was QS type, ST segment elevation 0.2mV, R-R interval is not the whole, no P wave. Diagnosis; acute simple RVI, shock, heart failure, atrial fibrillation. After admission to give oxygen, anti-shock, cardiac function and other comprehensive treatment failed to improve the condition, occurred in 3 hours after admission, ventricular fibrillation and drug defibrillation failed to recover and died.