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不少学者在解读《卡·马克思〈1848年至1850年的法兰西阶级斗争〉一书导言》时认为,恩格斯晚年放弃了暴力革命思想,转而坚持合法斗争策略,转变成民主社会主义者。事实上,晚年恩格斯在阐发合法斗争策略时,曾特别强调和平过渡的附带条件,并着重指出党在任何时候都不能放弃革命这一基本的历史权利。在马克思、恩格斯那里,无论是暴力革命还是议会道路,其最终目的都在于夺取政权。从单一的暴力模式到合法斗争、和平过渡,不放弃革命权,这是恩格斯对马克思主义革命策略的丰富和完善,也是新的时代条件下无产阶级革命策略的必然选择。 In reading the introduction of “Marxist Marxist Class Decisions in France from 1848 to 1850,” many scholars think that Engels abandoned his idea of ​​violent revolution in his later years and turned his attention to the strategy of legal struggle into a democratic socialist. In fact, in his later years, Engels elaborated on the tactics of lawful struggle. He especially emphasized the incidental conditions for a peaceful transition and emphasized that the party should not give up the basic historical right of revolution at any time. In Marx and Engels, the ultimate goal of both the violent revolution and the parliament is to seize power. From a single violent mode to a legal one, a peaceful transition and not giving up revolutionary rights are the inevitable choices that Engels enriches the Marxist revolutionary strategy and the revolutionary tactics of the proletariat in the new era.