
来源 :中华劳动卫生职业病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gmgan
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本文报告了某珠宝玉器厂职工恶性肿瘤死亡的历史性列队调研,对象为1958.7.1建厂时起至1973.6.30止,工龄满一年的工人;观察期为1958.7.1~1983.6.30共25年。共214人;3879人年。死亡52人,肿瘤死亡21例。用上海市区居民肿瘤死亡专率作参照,该厂男职工全肿瘤SMR=167,P<0.05;食管癌SMR=407,P<0.001。用该市手工业系统职工恶性肿瘤死亡资料作参照,该厂男职工全肿瘤SMR=200,P<0.05;食管癌SMR=566,P<0.001。因该厂工人籍贯为江苏者较多,作籍贯SMR分析,提示江苏籍贯职工食管癌死亡水平高于江苏省一般人群(SMR=280,P<0.05)。接触水平分析,直接接触组职工食管癌死亡有显著意义(SMR=350,P<0.01,间接接触组无显著意义;接触工龄≥30年,SMR=600,P<0.001)。比例死亡比(PMR)分析,亦同样显示食管癌有极其显著意义(PMR=355,P<0.01)。该厂生产原料中无明显致癌物质,车间空气中的粉尘浓度亦较低,食管癌显著超高是否与职业接触有关,尚待进一步研究。 This article reports a historic investigation of the death of malignant tumor of a worker in a jewelery factory. The object is a worker who has worked for one year since 1958.7.1 until 1973.6.30; the observation period is from 1958.7.1 to 1983.6.30 25 years. A total of 214 people; 3879 person-years. 52 people died and 21 died of cancer. Shanghai urban residents with specific rates of cancer death as a reference, the factory male workers total tumor SMR = 167, P <0.05; SMC of esophageal cancer 407, P <0.001. With the city’s handicraft workers dead tumor data for reference, the factory male workers total tumor SMR = 200, P <0.05; esophageal SMR = 566, P <0.001. Because of the factory workers more native Jiangsu, SMR analysis of native literature, Jiangsu native Jiangsu workers prompted esophageal cancer death level was higher than the general population in Jiangsu Province (SMR = 280, P <0.05). The contact level analysis showed that the death of esophageal cancer patients in direct contact group was significant (SMR = 350, P <0.01, Indirect contact group was not significant; Proportional mortality ratio (PMR) analysis also showed that esophageal cancer was extremely significant (PMR = 355, P <0.01). The factory production of raw materials in the absence of significant carcinogens, workshop dust concentration in the air is also low, significantly higher esophageal cancer is related to occupational exposure, yet to be further studied.
吸入煤尘与煤工尘肺(coal workert’s pneumoconiosis,CWP)发病之间的关系已被确认。肺泡巨噬细胞(alveolar macrophage,AM)是肺接触粉尘的前线卫士,在其发挥功能的同时很可
目前,在大部分果区,化学防治仍然是果农防治各种果树病虫害的主要方法。就如何正确选择,合理使用药剂,介绍如下: 一、果园用药必须“对症下药” 决定使用一种农药时,首先必