半边莲,又名蛇利草、急解索、细米草、鱼尾花、半边菊、半边旗、半边花、金菊草、小莲花草等,为桔梗科多年生草本植物,药用其全草。高约20厘米左右,生长于稻田两边、沟边或卑湿的荒地。 祖国医学认为,半边莲性味甘、平,归心、小肠、肺经。具有利水、消肿、清热、解毒之功,可治疗黄疸、水肿、臌胀、泄泻、痢疾、蛇伤、疔疮、肿
The lobelia, also known as snakeweed, acute solution, fine ricegrass, fishflower, half-edible chrysanthemum, half-edged flag, half flower, vernonia grass, small lotus, etc., is a perennial herb of the Campanulaceae family and medicinally used as a whole herb. . About 20 cm high, growing on both sides of the rice fields, ditch or humble wasteland. The motherland medicine believes that lobelia is sweet, flat, and has a heart, small intestine, and lungs. With the benefits of water, swelling, heat, detoxification, can treat jaundice, edema, swelling, diarrhea, dysentery, snakebite, acne, swollen