女患,28岁。因发热咳嗽1周,排泻黄色水样便4天,随后出现胸闷、腹胀、下肢浮肿。于1990年7月30日收住院。患者既往体健,否认有心、肺、肝、肾等疾患。入院体查T37℃;P70次/分;R20次/分,BP 15/10 kPa。颜面无浮肿,颈静脉充盈。心脏浊音界向两侧扩大,心音低钝。心率70次/分。律齐,三尖瓣区可闻及SMⅡ级。双肺于第七后肋以下叩诊呈实音,听诊呼吸音消失,未闻罗音。腹胀,腹水征(+)。肝肋下4 cm,脾未触及。双下肢水肿(+)。入院后拍胸片呈双侧胸腔积液,心脏呈普大型,以右室增大为主。
Female suffering, 28 years old. Cough for 1 week due to fever, diarrhea, yellow watery stools for 4 days, followed by chest tightness, bloating, lower extremity edema. On July 30, 1990 admitted to hospital. Past physical health, deny the heart, lung, liver, kidney and other diseases. Admission physical examination T37 ℃; P70 beats / min; R20 beats / min, BP 15/10 kPa. No swelling of the face, filling the jugular vein. Diapause of the heart to both sides of the expansion, low heart sound blunt. Heart rate 70 beats / min. Law Qi, tricuspid valve area can be heard and SM Ⅱ level. Double lung in the seventh after the perineal percussion was solid tone, auscultation breath sounds disappeared, did not hear Luo sound. Bloating, signs of ascites (+). Liver ribs 4 cm, spleen not touched. Lower extremity edema (+). After admission, the chest radiograph was bilateral pleural effusion, the heart was large, mainly to the right ventricle increases.