里彦煤矿是隶属于司法部的一所监狱煤矿,设计产量为60万 t/a,年限60 a,自1994年建成投产以来,煤矿矸石山运输系统一直采用的是由翻罐笼和25 kW 调度绞车等部分组成的传统运输系统。2006年开始,该矿对井下传统的采掘工艺、运输方式进行了改造,掘进效率大幅提高,掘进进尺大幅增加,从而导致出矸量加大。原矸石山运输系统能力
Yiliyan Coal Mine is a prison coal mine under the ministry of justice with a designed output of 600,000 t / a and an annual life of 60 years. Since it was put into operation in 1994, coal mine waste rock transportation system has been adopted by turning cage and 25 kW scheduling Winch and other parts of the traditional transport system. Beginning in 2006, the mine transformed the traditional downhole mining technology and mode of transportation, greatly improved tunneling efficiency and significantly increased the driving footage, resulting in an increase in the amount of refuse. The original waste rock mountain transport system capabilities