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我们的广告设计专业通过和外方教师合作教学,在课程设置、教学内容和教学方法等方面做了反复的探讨、总结和改进。有些课程的设置,对于学生今后从事专业工作有很直接的帮助。我们以培养具有较高文化修养和审美品味的、有较强工作能力的平面广告设计专门人才为目标,围绕平面设计的专业特点进行有特色的教学。强调注重现代设计思维的培养,强调理论结合实践,强调设计思维、表现手段和表达方式的有机融合。 在教学方式上,低年级从讲解式教学入手,即以专业设计的基础知识开始,使学生从深度和广度上逐步了解和掌握基础知识,对于不同的课题,要有强化式的教学,从质到量上对学生提出严格要求,加强教学的深度,并且通过教师的教学实践与学生的实际情况,针对不同的课程进行启发式教学,拓宽学生的思路,运用交流讨论的方式,使学生在学习兴趣中获取知识。 例如,在三年级的字体学教学训练中,给学生一个主题“一个学生在学院一天的生活”,让学 Through our cooperation with foreign teachers, our advertising design major has repeatedly discussed, summarized and improved the curriculum, teaching contents and teaching methods. Some courses are set up for students in the future professional work is very direct help. We have to cultivate a higher cultural accomplishment and aesthetic taste, have a strong ability to work in print advertising design professionals as the goal, around the graphic design of the professional characteristics of the distinctive teaching. Emphasis should be laid on the cultivation of modern design thinking, emphasizing the combination of theory and practice, and emphasizing the organic integration of design thinking, means of expression and expression. In the teaching method, the lower grades begin with explaining teaching, that is, starting with the basic knowledge of professional design, enabling students to gradually understand and master the basic knowledge from the depth and breadth. For different subjects, there should be intensive teaching, To the amount of the students put forward strict requirements, strengthen the depth of teaching, and through the teaching practice of teachers and the actual situation of students, for different courses for heuristic teaching, broaden students’ thinking, the use of exchange and discussion of ways to enable students to learn Gain knowledge in interest. For example, in the third grade teaching of fonts teaching, give students a theme “a student’s life in college day”
凤凰蓝印花布 左汉中 湘西边陲有一座古朴而秀丽的小城——凤凰。凤凰有一位民间染匠,染匠大名刘贡鑫。说到刘贡鑫,恐怕当地许多人都不知道,但一提到刘大炮,却是老少妇孺人
沉寂多年的收音机市场,正悄悄更新换代,并有五个标志。 1.智能组合化。普遍带有电脑控制、钟控等新功能,可预置、报时,有的还附有日历、彩图。2.趋向多频段。已推出了15、10
“我们的努力并没有被适当地记载在历史书或博物馆里,也没有被保留为人类文化记忆的一部分。一般而言,我们不是被‘写进’历史,我们是被‘写出’历史。” “Our efforts hav