本文认为, 中国的外债管理体制作为经济体制的重要组成部分, 虽然经历了不断发展, 不断深化的改革历程, 但外债管理过程中依然存在着许多问题。加快外债管理体制改革, 构建新的外债管理体制已是当务之急。作者提出, 在当前社会主义市场经济体制不很健全的情况下, 应设立一个统一的外债管理机构———中华人民共和国外债管理委员会, 形成一个独立的外债管理体制。
This paper argues that although China’s foreign debt management system as an important part of its economic structure has undergone continuous development and deepening reforms, there are still many problems in the course of foreign debt management. To speed up the reform of the foreign debt management system and build a new foreign debt management system has become a top priority. The author proposes that under the current imperfect socialist market economic system, a unified foreign debt management agency, the Foreign Debt Management Commission of the People’s Republic of China, should be established to form an independent foreign debt management system.