淡剑夜蛾[Sidemia depravata(Butler)]是一种草坪害虫。它的暴发对苏州地区草坪生产造成了严重的影响。通过连续3年采用人工饲养和灯光诱捕方法对淡剑夜蛾的生物学特性、种群发生消长规律及监测方法进行研究的结果表明,淡剑夜蛾在苏州地区1年发生4~5代。以老熟幼虫和蛹在土中越冬。翌年4月下旬开始羽化出土,发蛾高峰期在7月上旬、8月上旬和9月上旬。提出可采用灯光诱蛾、观察卵块发育进度、糖醋引诱剂及性引诱剂对其进行监测,做好预测预报工作。
Sidemia depravata (Butler) is a lawn pest. Its outbreak has had a serious impact on lawn production in Suzhou. The results showed that the larva was in the area of Suzhou for 4 ~ 5 generations in the past three years. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the control group and the light harvesting method. Overwintering in the soil with mature larvae and pupae. The following year the end of April began eclosion unearthed hair moth peak in early July, early August and early September. It is proposed that light-induced moths can be used to observe the progress of egg masses, and the sweet-and-sour attractants and sex attractants can be monitored to predict and predict the occurrence.