Optimization of time-delayed feedback control of seismically excited building structures

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University(Science A:An International Ap | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaoshi88
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An optimization method for time-delayed feedback control of partially observable linear building structures subjected to seismic excitation is proposed. A time-delayed control problem of partially observable linear building structure under horizontal ground acceleration excitation is formulated and converted into that of completely observable linear structure by using separation principle. The time-delayed control forces are approximately expressed in terms of control forces without time delay. The control system is then governed by It? stochastic differential equations for the conditional means of system states and then transformed into those for the conditional means of modal energies by using the stochastic averaging method for quasi-Hamiltonian systems. The control law is assumed to be modal velocity feedback control with time delay and the unknown control gains are determined by the modal performance indices. A three-storey building structure is taken as example to illustrate the proposal method and the numerical results are confirmed by using Monte Carlo simulation. An optimization method for time-delayed feedback control of partially observable linear building structures subjected to seismic excitation is proposed. A time-delayed control problem of partially observable linear building structure under horizontal ground acceleration excitation is formulated and converted into that of completely observable linear structure by using separation principle. The time-delayed control forces are approximately expressed in terms of control forces without time delay. The control system is then governed by It? stochastic differential equations for the conditional means of system states and then transformed into those for the conditional means of modal energies by using the stochastic averaging method for quasi-Hamiltonian systems. The control law is assumed to be modal velocity feedback control with time delay and the unknown control gains are determined by the modal performance indices. A three-storey building structure is taken as example to illustrate the proposal method and the numerical results are confirmed by using Monte Carlo simulation.
“唉!”章明泉最近特爱沉思,时不时还来点忧郁的叹息。“生不逢时啊!生不逢时啊!”瞧,这种酸溜溜、老气横秋的话也出来了,哪像一个小学四年级的学生啊!  自从看完《功夫》这部电影后,章明泉就觉得电影里的那些侠客,勾起了他以往不成形的幻想,那些人都是他向往的英雄。想想看,隐身在市井中,突然迸发出威力,那是何等的威风,何等的“英雄”啊!  自从有了做“侠客”的想法,章明泉就时时刻刻留意做侠客的时机。无论是
松鼠和兔子,他们的家都在一棵松树上。  松鼠的家在楼上,楼梯绕着树转了一圈,才能到楼上。  兔子的家在楼下,家门口只有三个石头台阶。  看见松鼠爬楼梯,兔子就想:“瞧松鼠的家,楼梯有那么多档,走起来多累呀。”  松鼠看着兔子家的台阶,就想:“瞧兔子家,只有三级台阶,太低了,太潮了。”  有一天,下了大雨,地上的水都满起来了。  水快要漫进兔子家了。  兔子只好躲到松鼠家里。  松鼠让兔子坐在沙发上