赫尔辛基一项有关心脏病的研究,历时5年,有安慰剂对照,包括4081名血脂紊乱的人,年龄40~55岁。原来的目的,是通过服二甲苯氧庚酸(gemfibrozil)600mg/d,分2次服,以观察增加血浆中 HDL 胆固醇水平、减少 LDL 胆固醇的水平,是否能减少冠心病的发病率。非 HDL 胆固醇水平>5.2mmol/L 作为研究对象的条件,他们基础HDL 胆固醇水平与一般人群相同。本文分析其中安慰剂组(2035人)的资料,计算几年内每1000人中,有心肌梗塞或突然心脏病死亡的人数;将胆固醇水平分为三段,计算在各段内包含的上述人数。结果清楚地说明,提高
A study of heart disease in Helsinki, which lasted 5 years, had a placebo-controlled study of 4081 people with dyslipidemia, aged 40-55 years. The original aim was to observe whether increasing HDL cholesterol level in plasma and LDL cholesterol level could reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease by taking 600 mg / d of gemfibrozil. Non-HDL cholesterol levels> 5.2mmol / L as the study conditions, their basic HDL cholesterol levels the same as the general population. This article analyzes data from the placebo group (2035), calculates the number of people who have had a myocardial infarction or sudden heart attack per 1,000 people within a few years, and divides the cholesterol level into three segments and calculates the number of people included in each segment. The results clearly show that increase