各地养蟹者,在每年的10月份以后,大都开始将河蟹捕捞上市。为了换取季节差价,可将河蟹通过塑料大棚增温囤养育肥至元旦春节前后售出,如此效益可显著增加。此项技术的要领是: 按蔬菜大棚搭设方法搭建大棚。有单层和双层两种结构,材料可选用竹竿,有条件者可用钢筋结构,另外需备有适量的稻草席,以便冬季搭盖在塑料大棚上增温保暖。 囤养育肥池应达到一定条件。具体说来,其一,水泥池:面积50—100平方米,能蓄水1.2米以上,进排水方便。在池底铺上10—15
Crabs everywhere, after every year in October, most began to crab fishing market. In exchange for seasonal differences, the river crabs can be raised through plastic greenhouses until the Spring Festival New Year’s Day fattening stocking, so benefits can be significantly increased. The essentials of this technology are: set up the greenhouse by greenhouses. There are two kinds of single-layer and double-layer structure, the material can be used bamboo pole, the conditions are available reinforced structure, the other to be prepared with the right amount of straw mat, in order to take the cover in winter warm plastic shed. Storing fattening pool should reach certain conditions. Specifically, one, the cement pool: an area of 50-100 square meters, capable of storing more than 1.2 meters, easy access to drainage. Shop at the bottom of the pool 10-15